Erfordra ersättning för din obehag med Vueling

Vueling är ett flygbolag som betjänar tusentals flygningar varje år från sitt El Prat-nav i Barcelona, Spanien.

Skapat för att driva billiga flyg som betjänar flygplatser på världens fem kontinenter, har det spanska flygbolaget lagt fram betydande förseningar på sina medel- och långdistansflygningar.

Startups kan försvara dig på distans

Vid moralskada, orsakad av en operatör, känner hans passagerare svaga framför sig, de försöker inte ens att inleda ett förfarande som ska kompenseras.

Nu har allting ändrats. Att hävda och få ersättning är nu en bris. Tack vare nya online-igångkörningar som drivs av erfarna advokater och juridiska experter har det blivit alltmer lätt för offer för olägenheter för att försvara sina rättigheter.

Hela skadeprocessen kan nu göras online. Konstitutionen av din fil kostar bara några sekunder.

Skada lidit? hur mycket kostar du för att fixa det?

Ersättningen som betalas till offren beräknas enligt resans avstånd:

< 1500 Km => 250 €
≤ 3500 Km => 400 €
> 3500 Km => 600 €

Fyll i reklamationsformuläret

Fördröjning av flyg

Förseningar, överbokning eller annullering? Flygpassagerare, vet att du har rättigheter. Alla flygningar du tar med Vueling är berättigade till ersättning.

Det är helt annorlunda än antalet kilometer som ska färdas av flygplanet mellan de två flygplatserna, enhetsbeloppet är en rättighet för alla resenärer som reser med det spanska företaget. Denna skada kan ge dem pengar till

För information, för att få ersättning, är det inte viktigt att resa in eller ut ur Europeiska unionen, eftersom Vueling är ett företag som redan är baserat i Europa (EU).


Genom att välja att resa med flyg, står vi förmodligen inför fördomar. Om det inte var en avbokning kan vi bli överraskad av en överbokning vilket gör det omöjligt att resa med flyg.

Om flygningen är överbokad ber flygbolaget att vissa passagerare frivilligt lämnar sin plats genom att generellt erbjuda dem ett belopp som kan sträcka sig från 250 till 600 euro.

Flera resenärer är överens om att ta pengarna mot deras avstigning av flygplanet, förutsatt att deras transportör söker dem plats på nästa flygning. Det representerar en attraktiv chans att minimera slag av sina resor! En betydande del av de överbokade passagerarna vet emellertid inte att denna övning omfattas av ytterligare ersättning, så att de kan återvinna en stor del av deras biljett!

Avbrutna flygningar

På grund av en stark strejk av piloter eller hostesses / stewards kan hundratals flygningar påverkas av en avbokning. Denna situation med olägenheter som orsakar utmattning och ilska mellan passagerarna är tack och lov återgivningsbar.

Vid avbokning av din rotation måste flygbolaget i Spanien leda dig till ett nytt flyg eller återbetala beloppet för din bokning. Detta är dock inte allt det spanska företaget har att erbjuda för att kompensera dig för den skada du måste bära.

Missad mellanlandning

Risken att missa ett flyg ökar när du reser på ett anslutande flyg. Och det är ännu värre när rutten serveras av två flygbolag. Den första flygningen är bara några minuter sent för din andra flygning att ta av utan dig.

Om du redan har haft en liknande irritation kan du kontakta advokaterna online så att de kan initiera de huvudsakliga överklagandena för att du ska kunna få ersättning.

Fyll i reklamationsformuläret

4 thoughts on “Vueling

  1. Jag varit hittills en trogen kud hos Er och brukar resa ofta med Er. Jag kom i god tid till gate i angivet datum och ni avvisat mig pga jag inte hade 24 timmars PCR Covid19 trots det stått tydligen i Vuelings hemsida att medborgare från Sverige i transit via Kastrup flygplatsen -och med en giltig resebilljet vidare till Sverige räknades som undantag. Detta trots jag ör vaccinerad och hade en nyligen tagen negativ Covid test när jag inkommit i Barcelona 3 dagar tidigare. Jag missade min resa denna dagen och när jag flugit äntligen till Kastrup – två dagar senare – visade sig att det INTE stämmer med att passagerare i transit vidare till Sverige behöver lämna någon 24-timmars pcr eftersom SAMTLIGA passagerare testades i själva Kastrup flygplatsen. Denna gången behövdes INTE HELLER visas något intyg varken vid boarding eller när man landat i Danmark heller. Jag vill ni betalar åtminstone tillbaka den outnyttjade flygbiljetten. Det är tråkigt att man som kund drabbas av detta. Med vänliga hälsningar/ John Marin

  2. Claim for compensation regarding travel 16 June 2021, Arlanda Stockholm – Ibiza Spain

    Booking number: WCEFXS
    Travelers: Helena de Brito and Malin Eriksson

    Reimbursement of lost travel costs, new travel costs, lost evening / night and day as well as Antigen test costs and hotel costs regarding our trip on 16 June, booking number WCEFXS, is here by requested.

    We arrived at Arlanda well in time on June 16, yet it took over 1.5 hours to check in our luggage at the check-in counter. There were only two check-in counters open. People crowded and walked past the whole queue and we travelers told these people to stand in line which they ignored. The strange thing was that neither of the two people in the check-in counters told those who crowded the queue, even though they saw it.

    When it was our turn, we showed our health certificates, tickets and Antigen tests with a QR code on all of them. Your staff (the woman) at the check-in counter explained that she could not scan the QR code as she did not have access to a scanner. We showed our antigen tests but this was not accepted as the performed date was not visible. We showed the booking / confirmation we received via email on our Antigen test (June 15) and bank statement that we paid for the Antigen test on June 15. The female staff at the check-in desk were not interested in seeing it but asked us to step aside and was very unpleasant.

    When we contacted “Express Test” where we did our antigen tests, we received the entire confirmation where the date was stated and showed it to the woman at the check-in counter. She said that it was too late to check in as there were 20 minutes left until departure. I asked her to call the gate to say we were on our way but she refused. We also found out that the plane was 25 minutes late and yet she did not let us check in.

    It ended up that we did not come with the plane and we had to book a new trip the next day, June 17, at 06.00. We had to check into a hotel. We had to take new Antigen tests with QR code and lost one day in Ibiza due to ignorant, unpleasant, unprofessional staff at the check-in desk.

    The responsibility lies with the airline to be able to scan the QR code at the check-in counter on departure. Due to this and proven appendices, we now demand compensation for the following:

    Flights Arlanda-Ibiza 6,046 SEK
    Antigen test 990 SEK
    Hotel room Amiranten 1,251 SEK
    A lost day in Ibiza, Spain 4,000 SEK

    Total amount: SEK 12,287.

    Deposit the amount in account Nordea 4051 00 65151.


    Helena de Brito

  3. Claim for compensation regarding travel 16 June 2021, Arlanda Stockholm – Ibiza Spain

    Booking number: WCEFXS
    Travelers: Helena de Brito and Malin Eriksson

    Reimbursement of lost travel costs, new travel costs, lost evening / night and day as well as antigen test costs and hotel costs regarding our trip on 16 June, booking number WCEFXS, see attached picture 1 is hereby requested.

    We arrived at Arlanda well in advance on June 16, yet it took over 1.5 hours to check in our luggage at the check-in counter. There were only two check-in counters open. People crowded and walked past the whole queue and we travelers told these people to stand in line which they ignored. The strange thing was that neither of the two people in the check-in counters told those who crowded the queue, even though they saw it.

    When it was our turn, we showed our health certificates, tickets and Antigen tests with a QR code on all of them. Your staff (the woman) at the check-in counter explained that she could not scan the QR code as she did not have access to a scanner. We showed our antigen tests, see attached picture 2, but this was not accepted as the performed date was not visible. We showed the booking / confirmation we received via email on our Antigen test (June 15), see appendix 3, and bank statement that we paid for the Antigen test on June 15, see appendix 4. The female staff at the check-in desk were not interested in seeing it but asked us to step aside and was very unpleasant.

    When we contacted Express test where we did our antigen tests, we received the entire confirmation where the date was stated and showed it to the woman at the check-in counter. She said that it was too late to check in as there were 20 minutes left until departure. I asked her to call the gate to say we were on our way but she refused. We also found out that the plane was 25 minutes late and yet she did not let us check in.

    It ended up that we did not come with the plane and we had to book a new trip the next day, June 17, at 06.00, see appendix 5. We had to check into a hotel, see appendix 6. We had to take new antigen tests with QR code, see appendix 7, and lost one day in Ibiza due to ignorant, unpleasant, unprofessional staff at the check-in desk.

    The responsibility lies with the airline to be able to scan the QR code at the check-in counter on departure. Due to this and proven appendices, we now demand compensation for the following:

    Flights Arlanda-Ibiza SEK 6,046
    Antigen test 2 pcs 990 SEK
    Hotel rooms Amiranten SEK 1,251
    A lost day 4,000 SEK

    Total amount: SEK 12,287.

    Deposit the amount in account Nordea 4051 00 65151.


    Helena de Brito

  4. Claim for compensation regarding travel 24 July 2021, Ibiza Spain – (Transit in Barcelona) – Arlanda Stockholm

    Booking number: RKT9XH
    Travelers: Iris Nikita Lo Tegenfeldt and Carl Hampus Flory

    Reimbursement of new travel costs regarding our trip on 24 July, booking number RKT9XH, is hereby requested.

    We arrived at Ibiza airport well in advance on July 24, we went trough the security, prepared for boarding by looking at the screens on the airport which said “boarding 7:55”. The plane was supposed to leave 8:25 am. We waited at a restaurant close to the boarding gate. When the time was 7:55 we went to the gate to board our flight VY3501, we were there at 8 am. We met a staff and she said that it was too late to board as there were 25 minutes left until departure. I asked her to let us in as there was still 25 minutes until the plane would leave but no one wanted to help us and she refused to help us. Apparently the boarding closed 7:55, but on the screen it said “boarding 7:55”. The screens in airports always show information about which gate and when the boarding opens, not when they close. We asked for help in the info desk and they said that it was crazy that they closed the gate more than 30 minutes before the flight was supposed to leave, the gates usually closes 20 or 15 minutes before. They said that we should complain.

    It ended up that we did not come with the plane which also caused us to miss our transit flight in Barcelona. We had to book a completely new trip later the same day. The only reasonable flight available was a flight with Bravofly flying with KLM (booking ID 1814928017), which costed us 8 440,2 SEK (about 824 EURO). We had to go home due to work.

    Due to this, we now demand compensation for the following:

    Flights Ibiza-Arlanda

    We therefore demand:
    8 440,2 SEK in compensation for the fight we had to take since we were denied boarding on our planned flight with you, and we had to go home quickly due to work.

    Respond to this via my email. Thank you for understanding.


    Iris Nikita Lo Tegenfeldt

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